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Cost of Attendance
Below is the approximate cost of attendance for Indiana State University students to attend full-time. Since we use averages, some students will have costs that are less while others will be higher than those listed; however, the basic budget figures shown in the budget chart below are consistently used for all students in similar categories.
The figures listed for books and supplies, personal expenses, and transportation are estimates and may vary among students. These expenses are not paid directly to the University. Actual costs to attend the University will be assessed in late July for fall and in early December for spring. Students may access their specific costs by logging onto the MyISU Portal and viewing their Account Summary by Term. For information about the way that ISU calculates a student's eligibility for aid based on financial need, visit EFC Explained.
Financial Aid may not exceed the student's cost of attendance.
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150 Tirey Hall
Indiana State University
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Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - noon and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.